Hope UniExtract can support "install shield"(*.cab)

I have used your software ,but I find that the 1.6 beta version cannot support "windows install shield" files ,but I have found a tool that you can add it to "UniExtract\bin\" the name of the tool is "i6comp",you can download it from http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/win32os2/i6comp020.zip or you can download by search google.Thank you!

Sorry,I didn't notice that the 1.6beta has set the tool ,but the tool can't extract the "install shield"(*.cab),and now I finally find a new tool that can extract *.cab ,the name of the tool is "iscab.exe" you can put it into "bin" directory,and you can download from http://uploaded.to/?id=dtxz8c or you can search google for a higher version.

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